The Infamous MOVAPS issue
If you are attempting to write a ROP chain, and your program crashes at some weird movaps
instruction, chances are that you are facing a stack alignment issue. This is also the cause of many exploits "working locally but not remotely".
Analyzing a MOVAPS crash
Let's first look at what a typical crash brought about by MOVAPS looks like in GDB.

As you can see, the program crashes with Segmentation Fault upon hitting the movaps
*RSP 0x7fffa09ee928 ◂— 0x0
<_int_malloc+2832> movaps xmmword ptr [rsp + 0x10], xmm1
Looking at this movaps documentation, it mentions that
When the source or destination operand is a memory operand, the operand must be aligned on a 16-byte (0x10) boundary or a general-protection exception (#GP) is generated.
This basically means that our memory address that is referenced has to be a multiple of 0x10 bytes. However, in this case, our memory operand is 0x7fffa09ee928+0x10=0x7fffa09ee938
-- evidently not a multiple of 0x10.
Fixing the MOVAPS issue
In order to align our stack, we simply have to increment or decrement our RSP
by 0x8. This means that as long as we push
or pop
a value on our stack before we call the function, we should be able to align our stack! There's so many different ways we can do this, but I will cover the two simplest way.
Add an additional ret
Assuming that you have a ROP chain, we can simply add a ret
instruction/gadget before we call our function.
Skip the function prologue
Assume we are trying to call a function win()
that looks like this
void win() {
The assembly for such a function will look like this:
Dump of assembler code for function win:
// function prologue
win+0: endbr64
win+4: push rbp
win+5: mov rbp,rsp
// load argument
win+8: lea rax,[rip+0xeac] # 0x2004
win+15: mov rdi,rax
// call system
win+18: call 0x1050 <system@plt>
// function epilogue
win+23: nop
win+24: pop rbp
win+25: ret
As we can see, the only relevant part of the code starts from win+8
If we face a movaps
issue, we can simply return to win+5
or win+8
directly, skipping the initial push rbp
This would offset our RSP
by 8, and fix the stack alignment issue (if any).